Tag Archives: roller coaster

5 Theme Park Rides that Will Ruin Your Image

Most of us enjoy a trip to a theme park but for the image conscious a visit can soon turn into a nightmare as there is limitless potential for the rides and attractions to completely roger your look. No thrill ride is going to leave you unscathed but there are some rides that are best avoided if you don’t want to look like a swamp creature or an escapee from the local asylum. Here are 10 rides to pass up if you don’t want to look in the mirror and get the fright of your life. Continue reading

Old Favourites

Every theme park has a finite amount of space and so when a new ride is planned the development will often involve the demolition of an old attraction. Whilst some are well past their sell by date by the time they are pulled down, others are victims of a premature demise. There are some rides whose passing I have seriously mourned and the situation is particularly provoking when the replacement ride simply doesn’t live up to expectations. Continue reading

New Development at Port Aventura


Port Aventura is notable by its exception from the growing list of theme parks that I have visited. Somehow my first visit to the Spanish park has never materialised despite several half made plans and all sorts of good intentions. I think my lack of interest in Spain has probably been a contributory factor however this year I had resolved to stop procrastinating and to organise a trip. Now I think I may have to cancel again! There has been an announcement that changes everything. Continue reading

Wet Weather Blues


There is nothing that will ruin a day at a theme park as efficiently as rain. The weather is one thing that the parks simply can’t control and generally results in a miserable day for customers and staff alike.  Many of the issues are obvious but for those who have never worked at a park some of the attendant problems will not become apparent until they have paid their entrance fee. Continue reading

Great Queue Lines

Nobody relishes a long wait in line before they get the chance to experience an attraction. Long queues also put a serious dent in the number of rides you can fit into your day causing more frustration. It can be really depressing crawling around endless twists and turns wondering when your ordeal will end. Most queue lines are pretty uninspired and do nothing to alleviate the boredom but occasionally you find a much better experience and the line truly becomes part of the overall experience. Continue reading